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來源:http://m.xingchangweb.com/   日期:2021-09-25   瀏覽量:0
1. Anti corrosion protection of pump chamber: the form of metal corrosion can be divided into two categories: corrosion and local corrosion. The former occurs more evenly on all surfaces of the fan, while the latter only occurs locally. For example, pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, intergranular corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, corrosion fatigue, hydrogen corrosion cracking, wear corrosion, delamination corrosion, etc. Especially in petroleum, chemical industry and marine atmospheric environment.
2. Rotor shaft keyway damage: due to the influence of screw blower elements such as equipment operation environment, roots blower often has shaft head and keyway wear and damage. After the problem occurs, it shall be repaired by welding or brush plating according to the traditional method. However, the thermal stress caused by high temperature of repair welding can not be completely eliminated, and it is easy to bend or fracture; Brush plating is easy to peel off due to the limitation of coating thickness.
3. Shell crack treatment. Cracks or fractures often occur in Roots blower components due to casting, processing defects or internal stress, overload operation and other reasons. The conventional repair method is welding. Welding oil-free screw blower connection often leads to thermal deformation or thermal stress of parts, especially thin-walled parts, and some parts are made of cast iron, aluminum alloy and titanium alloy.
Check the fan motor current to determine whether there is a problem and whether the condensation temperature is exceeded. The condenser should be cleaned. Whether the refrigerant is added more. Check whether the compressor exhaust temperature is high. Whether the motor protector should be fine tuned or replaced. It should be analyzed and solved from these aspects. It's hard to say with data.

